Articles tagged with: marketing research poland

How to use a market research in Poland

The definition of fast moving consumer goods is simple: they are products that sell quickly and are relatively low cost. Everybody knows these products, e.g. milk, fruit, vegetable, soda, beer, totlet paper, soap, aspirin. In everyday life we use them not thinking about it. That is why they are “fast” – they does not stay in shop for a long time, which means that they have short shelf live. This industry is huge. Sometimes its share in GPD in developed countries is bigger that GPD of developing countries. It includes brands well known as: Unilever, L’Oreal, Walkers, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Heinz, Kraft, General Mills, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, Wal-Mart, Henkel. For perspective of consumers these goods are frequently purchased (weekly or monthly) and easily purchased (we have our favorites brands, and if we do not, we are not thinking much about differences of the products). For producers of this industry it means massive sale, low manufacture costs and huge competitiveness. That is why market research in Poland emerges.

Great challenges

It is essential for FMCG companies to analysis of trends in retailing and in the consumer market. That means comparative analysis, monitoring of investments and growth dynamics. Research may use benchmarking, analysis of competitors and partners, marketing and strategic planning. An answer for the question about how to develop in such a competitive market is conducting a market research Poland. Either company want  to maintain its position on the market or bring a new product out on the market, the best option Is to conduct before that an adequate market research. For example, before company offer a new package, a new logo, a new information politics, a new dose of its product, lower price, better taste, better sales channels or everything else which can change customers habits. On the other hand, it is not recommended to study every of these factors. It is not a principle, that the more the better. Just the opposite – with the help of analytics from market research company is better to choose just w few factors at once.

What to do exactly

That is maybe obvious, that sometimes it is better to conduct a small survey, but usually, when a company decided about conducting a research or market surveys Poland, representatives of marketing division want to do everything at once. But not everything depends on what clients want to study, and on which target group. Opinions of analytics from professional market research agency are also important. For example, about method and research techniques.  The company may choose between CAWI (online questionnaire), CAPI (computer assisted personal interview), CATI (telephone interview), PAPI (traditional personal interview), which are quantitative research, and between IDI (individual in-depth interview), FGI (group interview), case studies, mystery client/shopping, which are qualitative research. Additionally, in big projects there is recommended to use desk research, or SWOT analysis.